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庭に向かって設けられた大きなガラスの開口がレイヤーとなり、内外を一体化した空間に見せている。また、パブリック空間である1階の床面には反射で庭の景色が美しく映り込む大理石調のタイルを、プライベート空間である2階には優しさと癒しを感じさせるフローリングを選ぶ等、細部へのこだわりをもって設計されています。『庭の中に住空間が存在する』という表現が相応しい住まいである。セキュリーチェックやエアコン・照明・風呂の湯はりなどを集中コントロールできるホームコントロールも備え、外出先からスマートホン、iPadでコントロール可能です。ソーラーシステムや蓄電池も設置し省エネルギー・防災対策もしっかりと設計に組み込まれています。  グッドデザイン賞2013
The main theme of the house is the garden with leaves which vary their colors throughout the seasons. Because the house is located in a central city of Takamatsu, priority was given to security and privacy. The floor plan is closed around periphery, and opens toward the center, the central garden. Surrounding the central garden, there are 6 small gardens located on 1st floor, and there are 2 other gardens on 2nd floor terraces. Total of 8 gardens are here. 100 species of plants are planted about 2000. In the garden in front of the tea room, horseback shaped Basalt, a rock kept by late Isamu Noguchi and his assistant Masatoshi Izumi, is placed. Overall, the house can be described as dwelling space in the garden, rather than a house with gardens. The figure and the ground are in Fractal relationship. 

In order to make the garden the main theme, the architectural design is minimally executed. 
Large glass openings are located around the garden and they create layers of glass to incorporate the interior and exterior space. Together with window shades, various scenes are created around the garden. It produces Japanese aesthetics with “space of nothingness”, shadows and trees as natural light enters, and changing of seasons and time which will bring the richness of the heart. We called the space “HARMONIA”, a place for the family and friends.
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神奈川県逗子市小坪5-23-8-8409 逗子マリーナ内

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